Exploring The Road to Heaven

Prelude: "To abide in Jesus Christ?" 

Generations after we are dead and gone what in our existence will have mattered?


For those of us who have come to know the greatest commandment, God offers to share a role in what he holds most precious. There are names of our generation in the Lamb’s book of Life that are in need of discipleship. What can make our existence more valued throughout eternity than fulfilling the role God offers to us of our neighbor coming to know salvation?


Many Churches reach the widest portion of their congregations by focusing on the first and greatest commandment. This booklet extends the relationship we are learning with Jesus in the first commandment and applies it to the second commandment. John 15:1-11 (RSV), It requires us to “abide in Christ” if our life efforts are to produce eternal fruit.


Practical application of Christ’s teachings comes through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. John 14:26

Imagine how our lives can change when we reach out to God and happen to ask for a gift, He has been waiting to give us.


Our own journey toward the “learning of grace” was accelerated when we began praying: “Lord, teach me to listen and to possess a heart that is willing to hear.”


Next Chapter: What is God's Grace?


Table of Contents


Prelude: "To abide in Jesus Christ?"

Introduction: What is God's Grace? 

Chapter 1:  Self Reliance vs. Grace 

Chapter 2: The Degree of God's Love 

Chapter 3: The Holy Spirit

Chapter 4: Practical Application

Chapter 5: Why Might this be Important?

Chapter 6: The Message of Grace made Easy

Chapter 7: In Discipleship, we are to "ASK"

Chapter 8: Accepting Discipleship

Conclusion: A Step toward Spiritual Maturity


Except otherwise noted: Biblical quotes are from: THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.