Exploring The Road to Heaven


Knowing the Holy Spirit and serving God on his terms


When do we stop assuming "we know what is best" and "allow the Holy Spirit" to guide us in how to apply what Jesus Christ teaches?


  • This devotional on prayer with Bible study verses can bring simplicity on how to “ align ourselves in Jesus Christ as we seek the direction of our Holy Father regarding our role on this earth. ” John 15:5 (RSV) speaks of this as “abiding in Christ.” Like Peter, by first acquiring this concept, we can then grow and experience a life that brings honor to God .


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Table of Contents

Prelude: "Things of Value"

Introduction: What is God's Grace? 

Chapter 1:  Self Reliance vs. Grace 

Chapter 2: The Degree of God's Love 

Chapter 3: The Holy Spirit

Chapter 4: Practical Application

Chapter 5: Why Might this be Important?

Chapter 6: The Message of Grace made Easy

Chapter 7: In Discipleship, we are to "ASK"

Chapter 8: Accepting Discipleship

Conclusion: A Step toward Spiritual Maturity



Except otherwise noted: Biblical quotes are from: THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


A publication of Real Prayer Inc.